Amal #4 to remove Nazr (The Anti–Nazr Formula)


Recite the following with complete concentration and conviction:

3 x Durood Shareef

3 x Surah Fatiha

3 x Ayatul Kursi

3 x last 2 verses of Surah Qalam

3 x Surah Humazah

3 x Surah Falaq

3 x Surah Naas

3 x Durood Shareef

Read this formula and blow on the patient. Also blow in water and give the patient. The patient will drink this water, spray on his face as well as bath with this water for 3/7/11 or 40 days.

He should continue topping up the water and not allow it to deplete completely.

This formula can be read on oils, lotions, salt, medication etc