Surah Rahmaan Audio clip

Surah Rahmaan is a highly remarkable Surah in the Quraan.

Listening to a very touching and positive recitation of Surah Rahmaan has proven to be very beneficial for many.

This has helped a lot of people who were struggling with negativity, depression, sadness, and even serious physical illnesses like cancer etc.

Try to listen attentively in the state of Wudhu three times per day.

Ponder over Allah’s countless favors upon you as you listen, including His provision of sustenance, prosperity, security, family, health, and most importantly Imaan, His greatest favor.

Listen with a very positive mindset and visualize the noor of this surah permeating your entire being.

Non muslims may also benefit from this treatment.

Click here to download a very inspiring recital of Surah Rahmaan.