Natural cure for a cold

One who is suffering with a cold may use the following natural remedy: 1 piece cinnamon 1 teaspoon saumph 1 piece fresh ginger 3 black pepper 3 cloves 1 elachi Use tea leaves and honey according to taste. Method: put all ingredients besides tea leaves and honey in 3 cups of water. Boil until only … Read more

Cure for a dry cough

If one is suffering with a dry cough then he should take the following mixture daily: 1 tsp butter, ½ tsp sugar, 2 pinches of black pepper. Alternatively a full cup of milk coffee with a teaspoon of butter is also good for the same purpose.

Amal for good eyesight

If a person wants good eyesight for his entire life, then he should read “YA BASEERU” 100 times daily. (Tibbee aur roohaani bhed pg92)

Amal to help in digestion

If a person suffers with indigestion or any other stomach illness. Then before eating his food, he should recite يا مُقيتُ a few times. InshaAllah his food will digest well.

Retrieving your right

If a person is being owed some money or some other right. But the debtor is delaying for no justified reason. Then he should recite  يا مُذِلّ alot. InshaAllah, he will receive his right very quickly. One may also read 2 Rakaats of Salaatul Haajah, and recite this 75 times in Sajdah. Thereafter turn to … Read more

Amal #8 to remove Sihr (Surah Muzammil)

To remove the effects of Jinn, recite Surah Muzammil and blow in a jug of water. The patient should drink the water in the morning and evening. Do this daily for 40 days. Hazrat Nizaamuddeen Awliyaa (Rahimahullah) would advise doing this amal. He would also advise making it into a taweez and wearing it for … Read more

Chana (Chickpea) Multivitamin tonic

Chana (Chickpea) is a very healthy food. It has strange benefits to it’s name. The following prescription is proven to be very effective as an all round tonic for the body. Take 21 pieces of chana, soak it in water overnight. The next morning, peel it and eat it. Then add some honey to the … Read more

Amal #1 to remove doubts

Too much of Doubts is a sickness which many suffer with. They make Wudu and then doubt whether they made masah or not. They read Salaah and then doubt whether they read 3 rakaats or 4 rakaats. and many other such situations arise due to excessive doubts. This is called Wahm in Arabic. A person … Read more

To make the skin fair

The following prescription will help in making the skin of the face lighter in colour. Take out the juice of a cucumber. Mix in it 1/2 tsp of Rose water as well as 1/2 tsp of glycerine. Apply this mixture every night to the face before going to sleep. The skin will slowly begin to … Read more