Amal #3 for protection (Mia Asghar Husain Saheb’s Amal)


Mia Asgar Husain saheb (Rahimahullah) – A very great saint of the past – used to recite the following Amal. He explains that he found alot of benefit in this Amal.

This Amal is very effective for the protection of one’s physical and spiritual self and for protection and safety from enemies and jealous ones. 


Recite the following:

3 x أعوذ بالله من الشيطن الرجيم

3 x بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

3 x أعوذ بكلمات الله التامّات من شر ما خلق

3 x Surah Ikhlaas

3 x Surah Falaq

3 x Surah Naas

3 x فالله خير حافظًا و هو أرحم الراحمين

3 x وأنّ الله قد أحاط بكل شيْ علماً

3 x Durood Shareef

Thereafter blow on the palms and rub on the entire body.


Do this Amal regularly after Fajr and Maghrib. One will find tremendous benefit therein.