Amal #1 for wealth (Maulana Ameerul Hasan)

Once some people complained to Maulana Ameerul Hasan Saheb that there is no Barakat in our money.

Maulana Ameerul Hasan who is the Khaleefah of Sheikhul Hadeeth Maulana Zakariyya Rahmatullahi Alaih advised them to do the following Amal. He mentioned that by doing this amal, InshaAllah one will find Barakat in his wealth and difficulties will be removed. The Amal is as follows:

After Fajr recite Surah Yaseen

After Zuhr Recite Surah Fath

After Asr recite Surah Naba (عم يتساءلون)

After Maghrib recite Surah waaqi’ah

After Esha recite Surah Mulk