Leftover water after Wudu
It is an established practice of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) that he would drink the leftover water after performing wudu from his jug. Standing up, Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) would take three sips of this water while facing the direction of the qiblah. Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) is said to have sprinkled this water on a sick person in one Hadeeth.
In essence, numerous Ahaadeeth support this action.
According to Ulama, this water contains Shifa for both spiritual and physical sicknesses.
One needs to fill a jug with water then pour from it and make Wudhu.
When performing Wudu, one should observe all of the sunnats.
One should stand up after completing wudhu, face the Qiblah, and drink the remaining water from the jug.
He should make the intention of practicing on the Sunnah of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam).
He should drink in three Sips and not gulp.
He should say Bismillah before drinking.
Some Ulama recommend that on the first sip one should recite “Allahu Shafi”, on the second sip one should recite “Allahu Kaafi” and on the third sip one should recite “Allahu Mu’aafi”.
He can apply this water to the external parts of the body which is ailing as well.
One can take a bath in this water or spray it on his face and head.
One may also aquire the left over Wudhu water of a pious, saintly personality. InshaAllah this water will have more Barakah in it.
Many people have found tremendous results through practicing on this prescription even from apparently incurable sicknesses, migraine headaches, gallstones, kidney stones and even cancer.