Hizbul Bahr
Imam Shadhili (Rahimahullah) compiled the Hizbul Bahr for Protection against any harm, Jinn, Sihr, enemies, evil effects, and for the fulfillment of every lawful need, aim and ambition.
Imam Shadhili Rahimahullah says: By Allah, I did not utter it [the Hizbul Bahr] except as it came from the Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), from who I learned it. “Guard it;’ he said to me, “for it contains the Ism al-‘A’dham (Greatest name of Allah):”- It is not recited in any place without security reigning there. If it had been with the inhabitants of Baghdad, the Tatars would not have taken the city. On his death bed Imam Shadhili advised the recitation of his Hizb ul Bahr often, and he said, “Teach it to your children for the Ism al-‘Adham is in it.”
Shaykh Ali Abul Hasan Ash Shadhuli (Rahimahullah) spoke of this hizb as “the instrument of protection and prevention.” He said, “If it is read in any place, that place will be preserved from harm, many jinn are dispelled, the fearful are made secure, the sick are cured, and the anxious one is made peaceful. If one desires that his supplication be responded to & his lawful needs be satisfied, he should recite this. This wazifa showers the rain of light and unfolds hidden secrets to it’s reader. It will also help one control the heart from temptations and fantasies. It will remove difficulties and grant both worldly and religious success to the reader.”
The story of the Hizbul Bahr is as follows:
Imaam Shadhili (Rahimahullah) was on the point of setting out from Cairo to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca a short time after the departure of the pilgrims. He said, ”I have been divinely ordered to go on pilgrimage this year. So find for us a Nile vessel in which to make the journey by way of Upper Egypt:’ They looked about for a vessel, but found only one belonging to Christians on which was an elderly Christian man with his sons. He said, “Let us get on board:’ We entered the vessel and set sail from Cairo and traveled for two or three days. Then the wind shifted so that we were sailing into it. So we tied up to the bank of the Nile at an uninhabited spot. We remained there about a week within sight of the hills of Cairo. One of the pilgrims accompanying us asked, “How is it that the Shaykh says that he was ordered to perform the pilgrimage this year when the time for it has passed? And how long will this journey take? , In the middle of the day the shaykh slept and awoke, and then offered this prayer, known as The Hizbul Bahr. “Where is the captain of the vessel?” he inquired. “Yes” he answered, “here I am:’ “What is your name?” the shaykh asked. “Mismar:’ “O blessed Mismar, unfurl the sail:’ the shaykh ordered. “O my master:’ the captain objected, “lf I do that, we shall come again to Cairo by sailing before the wind:’ “We shall again become travelers:’ the shaykh replied, “If Allah wills:’ Again the captain objected, “This wind will drive us back to Cairo before the end of this day, and, furthermore, with the wind as it is, to get the ship under sail will be absolutely impossible:’ “Unfurl the sail;’ the shaykh ordered him, “with the blessing of Allah:’ So we unfurled the sail, and Allah commanded the wind so that it shifted and filled the sail so quickly that they were unable to cast off the rope from the stake. They cut it and we departed under a gentle breeze. The captain converted to Islam, both he and his brother. Their father did not cease to lament and say, “I have lost my two sons on this journey:’ “On the contrary;’ the shaykh said to him, “you have gained them:’ That night the Christian had a vision in which the day of resurrection, as it were, had come, and he was beholding the Garden and the fire. He witnessed the shaykh (al-Shadhili) leading a large crowd of people to the Garden. Among them were the Christian’s sons. He wanted to follow them, but he was prevented. He was told, “You are not of them until you enter their religion:’ The Christian related that to the shaykh, and he (the Christian) converted to Islam. Then the shaykh told him, “The people whom you saw with me are my companions to the day of resurrection.” We continued our journey easily and successfully with incidents the telling of which would consume a long time. They finished the pilgrimage that year.
My master, Madi, related, according to a report from the shaykh, The Christian became one of the great saints of Allah. Consequently, he sold his vessel and performed the pilgrimage with us, along with his sons. He had a zawiya (worship place) in Upper Egypt and was one of those who were endowed with charismatic powers. This blessed journey was an occasion for the manifestation of such a power. May Allah have mercy on him and be pleased with him.
Haji Imdaadullah (Rahmatullahi Alaih) would also prescribe the recitation of Hizbul Bahr to his Mureeds.
The Hizbul Bahr is very effective in removing all a person’s spiritual, physical and financial barriers to progress.
One should try and make it his habit to recite it daily.
Click on the below link to download The Hizbul Bahr