Health post regarding Impotency

Impotency is a common ailment faced by men especially as they age.

This post attempts to shed some light on this topic.

Causes of impotency:

Stress, Diabetes, Masturbation, Being Overweight, Fear of intimacy, Indigestion, Consumption of Alcohol, High levels of acidity in the body

Symptoms of impotency:

At times of sexual intimacy there is weakness in the male organ

Let us explore some natural remedies that one can easily do:

Apply pure olive oil or any other pure oil over the whole body

Soak 2 dates and 5g of raisins in water overnight and in the morning remove the dates and raisins from the water and drink the water. thereafter blend the dates and raisins with milk and consume.

Eat 100g of sweet pomegranate arils every day during the afternoon

Eat 100g of Gajar (carrot) halwa every day

Every day eat 4 or 5 cloves of garlic with milk

Suck a mixture of white onion extract, ginger juice, honey, and good quality ghee (5g each) every day

Eat half boiled free range eggs

Mix the yolk of 1 free range egg with equal amounts of ginger juice and onion juice. Add honey equal to the total quantity of the other ingredients and consume.

Soak 15 chickpeas in half a cup of water overnight. In the morning remove the skin of the chickpeas then chew the chickpeas to a fine paste and swallow. Add honey to the remaining water and drink

Boil 250ml of fresh full cream milk, add honey and consume

Eat Jalebi with milk

Soak almonds in milk overnight and consume both the next morning

Avoid food that has a lot of spices/masala

Add the following to the diet: boiled vegetables, dhalls, fresh and dry fruit, garlic, almonds, onions and drink milk

Avoid constipation

Take regular walks in the open

For a few minutes after bathing let water fall on the male organ

At night before sleeping wash and apply mustard oil to the hands and feet

Don’t stress about the illness too much

Avoid frequent intercourse, a maximum of once a month is recommended