Children’s Taweez instruction
Instructions related to the Chidren’s Taweez: – Only touch paper in the state of Wudhu. Once it is covered, you may touch without Wudhu. – Use a small piece of cellotape to wrap around the Ta’weez to make it waterproof. – Sew a small piece of fabric, with a string long enough to hang around … Read more
Some natural ways to Increase memory
The following are a few ways to increase one’s memory: Get someone to massage the head with pure butter Ghee. Eat 7 almonds in the morning followed by 125ml carrot juice mixed in 500ml of warm milk Daily eat one or 2 sweet red apples with it’s peel. Chew properly and swallow.
Amal for increase in memory (Hadeeth)
There is a Hadith recorded by Imam Tirmidhi (Rahimahullah), Hadith: 3570 and others where Sayyiduna ‘Ali (radiyallahu ‘anhu) narrates a Salah he learnt from the Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) to ease his memorization of the Quran. Click here to see the status and translation of this Hadeeth. The amal mentioned in the Hadeeth is … Read more
Amal for prosperity mentioned in Hadeeth
Jubair Ibn Mut’im (Radiyallahu Anhu) narrates that the messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) asked him whether he wished to be the happiest, most prosperous and well-to-do person among his comrades when he goes out on a journey. He replied: “Yes, Oh Messenger of Allah, I certainly do wish that.” The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi … Read more
Attached is a Pdf of Selected pertinent advice and Amals related to the phases of Marriage, Labour and Children. Click here to download. AMALS RELATED TO MARRIAGE, LABOUR, AND CHILDREN – FINAL (1)
Child crying for no reason
My child is just crying for no reason. I can’t seem to get him to stop no matter what I do. What could be the reason? Try removing his Nazr. Refer to the section on Nazr on the website. Children easily fall victim to Nazr. We must make a habit of removing Children’s Nazr whenever … Read more
I am experiencing continuous nightmares, what can I do? Recite the 4 Quls, blow on your palms and rub it over your body before going to sleep. Do this thrice.