Court case Amal (Ayat after Salaah)

A person who is embroiled in a court case should recite the following verse 133 times once a day after any of the Fard salaahs. This should be done daily until the case is resolved. If the person is rightful in the case, InshaAllah he will be successful. The Ayat is Ayat 81 of Surah … Read more

Court case Amal (Ya Hakam)

A person who wishes for success in a court case should recite 137 times يا حكم يا حاكم after Esha, preceded and followed by durood shareef 7 times. This Amal should be continued for 21 days consecutively.  

Court case Amal #1 (Allah)

A person who is caught up in a wrongful court case should do the following: While the case is on, recite the name “Allah” 70 times whilst pondering that now Allah Ta’alah will decide in this matter. InshaAllah the court case will turn out in his favour.