Amal for a pious child

Very effective amal for a pious child: If someone wishes to have a pious child then he should do the following amal: On the 1st Friday of the month of Ramadhaan, after the jumuah salaah one should write 100 times يا احد on a blank piece of paper and make into a Taweez. He should … Read more

Amal For A Beautiful Child

If a woman wants her child to be beautiful, then 3 months after conception she should start reading 332 times every night يا مُصَوِّرُ before retiring to bed. (Tibbee aur roohaani bhed pg90)

Amal For A Child To Start Walking

If a child reaches the age of walking and still does not start walking, recite YA MATEENU 3500 times, blow in water and give him to drink. Do this for 11 days consecutively. inshaAllah, he will begin to walk.  (Tibbee aur roohaani bhed pg44)

Amal Of The Syrians For Good Mannered Children

It is said that when parents would come to the scholars of Syria for advice regarding their small children, they would tell them, “Feed them food on which at least 100 Durood has been recited and make dua that through this Durood they will be nurtured with the mannerisms and character of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi … Read more