Aayaat ul hars (incomplete)

There are 33 famous verses which are proven to be very effective in protecting a person against all types of harm from Animals, Humans, creatures and Jinn etc. they are known as the Aayaat ul hars. One should make it a habit to read these verses at least once daily. Surah Baqarah till Muflihoon Ayatul … Read more

Amal #6 for protection (Muawwazatain)

Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) advised us to make a habit of reciting these the Muawwazatain every morning and evening, i.e Surah Falaq and Surah Naas. Allah Ta’alah revealed these 2 Surahs as a means of cure for Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) from the Sihr that was done upon Him. The method of reciting these 2 … Read more

Amal #7 for protection (Ayat ul Kursi)

Recite Ayat ul Kursi once after every salaah. InshaAllah you will be protected from the mischief of Man and Jinn. (Source: A’amaal e Quraani) Refer to the full article on Ayatul Kursi as well here   Story of Ibne Qutaabah A certain trader went to Basrah ……