
Generally the term Barakah is not understood completely. Some may have a somewhat understanding. However Barakah is a very broad term and encompasses many things.

It is translated as “Blessings”.

In Arabic the definition of Barakah given is A LITTLE WITH A LOT OF BENEFIT. 

Many people have a lot of money but they still do not meet expenses.

Many have a lot of money, wealth and even health but do not find happiness, peace and contentment in life.

Many have done a lot of work but not much benefit came out of it and many have done a little work but the whole world benefits.  

Many had 100s of years of life, yet they did not benefit mankind a lot. Whereas others had only 30 to 40 years and the entire creation look up to them.

The underlying secret behind all of this is Barakah.

In Faidul Qadeer, Allamah munawi (Rahimahullah) gives the following definition of Barakah:

ثبوت الخير الالهي في شيء

“Divine goodness in something”

Another definition is:

النمو و الزيادة في الخير

An increase in goodness

Below is a brief informative brochure on Barakah

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