Majlis Book on Sihr
Ml A S Desai (Daamat Barakaatuhu) has authored a book explaining some points pertaining to Sihr and Magic. Click on the below link to download the book. Sihr Magic booklet_Eread
Every sickness has a cure
Ml A S Desai (Daamat Barakaatuhu) has authored a book explaining some points pertaining to Sihr and Magic. Click on the below link to download the book. Sihr Magic booklet_Eread
Imam Shadhili (Rahimahullah) compiled the Hizbul Bahr for Protection against any harm, Jinn, Sihr, enemies, evil effects, and for the fulfillment of every lawful need, aim and ambition. Imam Shadhili Rahimahullah says: By Allah, I did not utter it [the Hizbul Bahr] except as it came from the Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), from … Read more
Health is a blessing from Allah that we need to look after. Especially in this time and age, where on one side our eating habits are incorrect, whilst on the other hand to get fresh and wholesome food is difficult. Then to compound our problems is the issue of new viruses emerging. Hence a need … Read more
Attached is a very effective Manzil clip to be played in the house daily.
If a person is suffering with some pain anywhere on his body, another person should do the following for him in the state of Wudu: Write with his finger يا الله seven times on the place of the pain. inshaAllah the patient will find relief shortly.
Write the following on a piece of paper: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم قلنا ينار كوني بردا و سلاما و سلاما و سلاما Recite Surah Fatihah seven times, Ayatul kursi once, Muawwazatain once and blow on the piece of paper Thereafter soak it in a glass of water and let the patient drink this water. Repeat … Read more
Print this Page of 8 taweez’s. soak one at a time in water and drink. depression edible print.docx Instructions Soak the Taweez in a bottle of water. Preferably recite the following and blow on the water as well: 7 x Durood Shareef 7 x Surah Fatiha 7 x Durood Shareef 1 x verse 154 … Read more
Print this page with 8 taweez’s on it. Soak in water and drink. edible print shifa taweez.docx Instructions Soak 1 Taweez in a jug of water and drink for 3 days. Preferably recite the following and blow on the water as well: 7 x Durood Shareef 7 x Surah Fatiha 7 x Durood Shareef … Read more
Fathima (Radiyallahu Anha) came to Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam) and requested a servant to help her. Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam) advised her to read the following Dua. This Dua is a Masnoon Dua to be read at the time of any difficulty especially debts. عن أبي هريرة قال: جاءت فاطمة إلى النبي صلى … Read more
Hajee Imdaadullah Rahmatullahi Alaih would advise the following Amal of Istikharah. Recite the following before retiring to bed at night: 1 x Surah Fatiha 3 x Surah Naas 3 x Surah Falaq 3 x Surah Ikhlaas 3 x Surah Kaafiroon 25 x Surah Nasr Thereafter blow on the palms, place the right palm under the … Read more