Amal for a shifted Navel #1

Write the following verse on a blank piece of paper, make into a Taweez and tie on the navel. بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ ذلك تخفيف من ربكم و رحمة Insha Allah the Navel will move back into place. (A’amaal e Quraani) This same Amal can be used for an inflamed liver or spleen. However, in … Read more

Amal for an obedient child

For an Obedient and well behaved child, do the following Amal: Recite 41 times Ya Quddoosu and blow in water or some medication. Give the mother to drink. Continue with this Amal from the time she comes to know of her pregnancy till child birth.

Amal #6 to remove Sihr

One who is affected with Sihr should do the following Amal or another person can do it for him. 7 x Durood shareef 7 x Surah fatiha 7 x Ayat ul Kursi 7 x Surah kaafiroon 7 x Surah Ikhlaas 7 x Surah Falaq 7 x Surah Naas 7 x Durood shareef Recite the above … Read more

Potency Formula

The following is a beneficial prescription proven to help improve libido Step 1 Put water on the stove to boil, once it reaches a boil, put 2 eggs into it and allow to remain for approximately 2 and half minutes. This should make it close to a soft boiled egg. Then remove from water,   remove … Read more

Natural Remedies Book

Hereunder is a beautiful book prepared by Talimi board of Durban Kzn. This book encompasses many natural remedies for various common sicknesses.   Click on the below link to download the pdf NATURAL REMEDIES

Court case Amal #1 (Allah)

A person who is caught up in a wrongful court case should do the following: While the case is on, recite the name “Allah” 70 times whilst pondering that now Allah Ta’alah will decide in this matter. InshaAllah the court case will turn out in his favour.

Labour Amal #1 (left thigh)

For ease of delivery, write the following on a blank piece of paper and make into a Taweez: اذا السماء انشقت و اذنت لربها و حقت و اذا الارض مدت و القت ما فيها و تخلت This Taweez should be tied on the left thigh of the woman in labour. inshaAllah, the labour will be … Read more

Child crying for no reason

My child is just crying for no reason. I can’t seem to get him to stop no matter what I do. What could be the reason? Try removing his Nazr. Refer to the section on Nazr on the website. Children easily fall victim to Nazr. We must make a habit of removing Children’s Nazr whenever … Read more

Categories FAQ

Supernatural cure for a tooth abscess

Many people have suffered from a tooth abscess at some point in their life. It is really painful. A person then rushes to the dentist and the dentist puts him on an antibiotic for 3 – 5 days for the abscess to subside, then only can the tooth be removed. However antibiotics are not healthy … Read more

Natural Libido booster

A person who is married and needs a libido boost can try the following natural mix. Take the yolk of an egg only and place it in a bowl. Add to it the equivalent amount of ginger juice and an equal amount of onion juice. Then add honey equal to all 3 ingredients. Lastly add … Read more