Amals of سلام

The following are Amals relating to the name of Allah “Al Salaam”: A person who is sick should do the following Amal: A person should make wudhu, face the qiblah, wear white clothes, recite durood shareef, then recite 3000 times بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يا سلام and blow on water or medicine. The sick person … Read more

Court case Amal (Ayat after Salaah)

A person who is embroiled in a court case should recite the following verse 133 times once a day after any of the Fard salaahs. This should be done daily until the case is resolved. If the person is rightful in the case, InshaAllah he will be successful. The Ayat is Ayat 81 of Surah … Read more

Court case Amal (Ya Hakam)

A person who wishes for success in a court case should recite 137 times يا حكم يا حاكم after Esha, preceded and followed by durood shareef 7 times. This Amal should be continued for 21 days consecutively.  

Amal to remove Jinn #4 (Ayat e Qutub)

Do the following for the one affected with Jinnaat: Recite the Ayat e Qutub 14 times daily and blow on olive oil or mustard oil. Apply the oil to the body, nose and ears. Continue this Amal for 41 days. As long as the oil is on the body, the Jinnat will not trouble a … Read more

Amal to increase business profitability

If one desires that his business grows in profitability then he should do the following: Write the following on a blank piece of paper and make 2 copies. Keep one copy in the cash book/ Till and paste the other copy on one of the walls in the shop. InshaAllah, one will see immense profit. … Read more

Amal to ease labour pains (Muatta Imaam Maalik)

When a woman goes through labour pains then open the great book of Hadeeth, Muatta Imaam Maalik and show the woman in labour. InshaAllah through the barakat of this book, Allah will ease the labour pains of this woman. (Wazaaif e Ashrafiyyah pg112) Note: When showing the woman the book, ensure that she is clad … Read more

Amal and cure for knee pain

A person who is suffering from knee pains should do the following Amal: He should recite the first and last ruku’ of Surah Baqarah 3 times each. Blow onto his palms and rub over his knees. He should also blow onto pure olive oil at the same time and rub over his knees. At the … Read more

Proven Amal to cure cancer

Haji Abdul Wahhaab saheb (Rahimahullah) (The head of the Raiwind Markaz in Pakistaan) advised the following Amal as a cure for cancer: سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم Recite the above 125 000 times. This can be read by a group of people as well and split over a few days. He states that … Read more

Amal for protection against oppression

One who fears oppression of any sort, whether it be physical, mental or financial, should do the following Amal: After every Salaah read يا قَوِيُّ يا مَتِينُ اِكْفِنِيْ شَرَّ الظَّالِمِيْن Also do the following Amal: Read ح م ع س ق and close the fingers of the right hand on reading each letter starting with … Read more