Amals For A Stubborn Child

1. A person who has a stubborn child who throws tantrums alot, should read YA MUQEETU 550 times, blow on water and give the child to drink. InshaAllah the child will become obedient. (Tibbee aur roohaani bhed pg84)


2. A person who has a stubborn child should recite the following formula, blow on water and give the child to drink. Also read the formula and blow on the child’s head at night. Insha’Allah the child will begin to listen:

3 x Durood shareef

3 x Surah kausar

3 x Surah Ikhlas

3 x Surah Falaq

3 x Surah Naas

3 x Durood shareef


3. A person who has a stubborn child should recite the following, blow on water and give the child to drink, Insha’Allah the child will begin to listen:

100 x Durood Shareef

100 x Ya Rahemu