
What is this site all about


Our goal is to serve humanity to please Allah Ta'alah.

After many years of experience in the field of Amaliyyaat and spiritual problems this site has been opened.

In this humble site, you will find authentic, unbiased information that will help relieve you of your spiritual and physical troubles.

Since there is no advertisements or money being made from this service, there is no reason for any doubt.


People across the globe are suffering with different ailments. Some are being haunted by jinnaat, others by Sihr whilst others are affected by Nazr. Many people suffer with medical complications which are linked or result from one of the above issues. 

When a person is in these dire straights, he resorts to any form of treatment that he can get hold of ,whether that treatment is the correct treatment or not.

To compound the issue, some ruthless people will even exploit the situation and charge this person huge sums of money to sort his problems out. At times people spend 1000’s of rands trying to solve a simple issue. Therefore the need was felt to put light before the public’s eyes and help those in need of help as far as possible.